What is the most common way to examine human body?
During a physical examination, the healthcare professional will typically:
* Inspect the patient's body, looking for any abnormalities in size, shape, or color.
* Palpate the patient's body, feeling for any tenderness, swelling, or masses.
* Auscultate the patient's body, listening for any unusual sounds, such as heart murmurs or wheezing.
* Percuss the patient's body, tapping it gently to assess the density of underlying organs or tissues.
In addition to these basic techniques, healthcare professionals may also use other instruments to examine the human body, such as:
* Ophthalmoscopes to examine the eyes
* Otoscopes to examine the ears
* Stethoscopes to listen to the heart and lungs
* Blood pressure cuffs to measure blood pressure
* Thermometers to measure body temperature
Physical examination is an important part of medical diagnosis, as it can help healthcare professionals identify signs of disease or injury.