How to Use Steam to Break Up a Cough

Most coughs are caused by your throat attempting to loosen and dispel mucus that is clogging your airway. When air is forced rapidly through your throat and out of your mouth, it allows your lungs to expel more air. Steam can help break up the mucus and allow you to breath easier, thus causing you to cough less. The steam also moistens the nose and throat, which helps prevent cracking and bleeding.

Things You'll Need

  • Towel
  • Large bowl
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      Heat water on the stove in an easy-to-pour kettle until it reaches a boil.

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      Use a kettle to pour hot water into your steam bowl.

      Pour the hot water into a large bowl, filling the bowl about halfway. Place the bowl on a flat surface, such as your dining room table. Place a pot-holder or a folded towel under the bowl so the heat does not damage the table.

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      Bend your face over the bowl of water. Place the towel over your head, letting it drape over the sides of your face and over the sides of the bowl, trapping as much steam as possible under the towel.

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      Breath deeply through your nose, inhaling the steam into your throat. If your face becomes too warm while under the towel, pull back the sides to let in some cool air. You should feel the steam filling your nose and throat, loosening the mucus and moistening the dry tissue.

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      Replace the water with more hot water after five minutes, or as soon as it stops giving off steam.

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