How to Preserve Rock Salt Lights
Things You'll Need
- Dry cloth
- Soft bristled brush
Place your light in a location that is not subject to high humidity or becoming wet. The crystals originate from rock salt and exhibit many of the same properties as table salt. It is hygroscopic which means it is water-loving and will absorb water form the air and surroundings.
Gently heat the rock if it becomes wet to restore the salt crystals to their original state. The heating from the embedded light bulb or candle is often enough to dry the surface and reform the crystal. Take care to dry the electrical wires and plug, if your light features these, to avoid potential shock or injury.
Clean your rock salt light frequently with a dry cloth and soft bristled brush to remove dust and other airborne contaminants. Keeping the rock salt surface free of anything that would block the cleansing effect of the light is vital to receive its benefits.