Uses for Baking Soda in Aquariums
Aquarium Stability
An important aspect of aquarium stability is water replacement. Ten to 15 percent of the water should be changed every two weeks, generally by vacuuming the tank and gravel to remove debris and uneaten foods. This is a good time to check the pH, nitrates and nitrites balances of the water.
pH Balance of the Aquarium
The required pH balance for the aquarium depends on the type of fish it contains. Some fish require an acidic level, while others thrive in an ecosystem with a more balanced pH. Look for a pH range rather than an absolute value. Most fish require a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5. Carbonate hardness will be an indicator of pH stability, and should never decrease below a level of 4.5 degree of hardness.There are kits that can be purchased from any pet store that test these important water levels.
Baking Soda and Aquariums
To test the aquarium's water pH levels, read the kit's instructions carefully and follow directions. Many of these kits expire, so always check the expiration date before purchasing.
If levels need balancing, dissolve baking soda in water, and add at a ratio of one teaspoon baking soda per five gallons of aquarium water. Add the baking soda and water mixture until the desired pH balance is achieved. Go slowly, and add another teaspoon of baking soda mixture if needed.
Maintenance Tips
Always add baking soda carefully to the aquarium as it can raise the pH levels, but will not lower them.The environment of the aquarium should not be changed drastically, but rather gradually so as not to upset the delicate balance. Changing the pH balance more that 0.3 in a 24 hour period could cause stress to the fish.