Alternative Care Mental Health Treatment Centers
Tapestry Women's Wellness Center
Tapestry Women's Wellness Center ( provides a variety of services for the treatment of women with substance addiction and mental health disorders, that often co-occur. Located in St. Paul, Minnesota, this program offers both traditional and non-traditional services. Their holistic program incorporates mindfulness therapy and mindfulness education. Medical staff also focus on overall health of the individual, rather than focusing on treatment of a diagnosis.
Bridges to Recovery
With locations in Santa Monica and Palisades, California, Bridges to Recovery ( focuses on emotional wholeness in their treatment of psychiatric conditions. Treatment at this facility does include traditional psychotherapy and medication management, however, several alternative treatments are also available. Music therapy, art therapy, acupuncture and nutritional counseling are also available. Somatic experiencing is also offered, which is a type of therapy that increases awareness of body sensations to help clients cope with trauma.
Accurate Assessments and Treatment
Accurate Assessments and Treatment ( is a counseling center that reports to specialize in alternative treatments for mental health conditions. In addition to traditional psychotherapy, this facility offers nutritional counseling, chiropractic care, mineral balancing and hormone balancing. The center is located in Lenexa, Kansas.
Integrative Psychiatry
Located in Sarasota, Florida, Integrative Psychiatry ( is a facility that offers non-traditional services for mental health conditions. Conducted through email, the phone or in person, consultations are designed to identify underlying causes for your condition. Brain supplements, orthomolecular products and depression supplements are recommended, rather than typical prescription medications. Staff will also assist those who wish to discontinue controlled or addictive medications.