How to Use LightWorks by Sota
Turn on the LightWorks by plugging it into the wall and pressing the "on/off/mode" button located on the base of the unit.
Choose either the red or the near-infrared LED lights by pressing the "hand paddle" button on the base of the unit. The red and NIR lights are located on opposite sides of the hand paddle. If you select the red LED lights, the lights on that side of the paddle will illuminate. If you select the NIR side, five red lights will light up on that side of the paddle.
Select your cycle. LightWorks has two main types of cycles: auto and manual. The auto cycle switches automatically between the eight modes (or frequencies), spending four minutes on each mode. With the manual cycle, you choose which mode you want to use. The unit's default cycle is the auto cycle. If you want to switch to another cycle, press the "on/off/mode" button located on the base of the unit. A green indicator light will indicate which cycle and mode you have selected.
Hold the device near your skin for the duration of your chosen cycle. The auto cycle lasts 32 minutes, and the constant mode of the manual cycle lasts 30 minutes. All of the other modes last 15 minutes. The device will turn itself off after the cycle is completed. If you wish to end your session early, hold the "on/off/mode" button for two seconds.
Use the device for 15 or 30 minutes every day for three weeks to see the best results.