How to Become a Medical Intuitive
Understand the nature of the medical intuition field. Many intuitives feel they have a gift of reading what ails a person. They feel that as soon as they hear a person speak about a symptom, the source of his issue is revealed in their mind. They may even be able to read a person just by scanning his body and noticing hot spots where problems lie. Medical intuition falls outside the realm of traditional practice so their hours are typically self-set and education is not always as formal. You will likely need to build your own clientele as well.
Visit a medical intuitive. If you feel you have the gift of reading other people's ailments, be sure to have your own reading done to know what a session is like. Notice how the intuitive walks you through the appointment and how hands-on she is for help in determining the structure of your practice.
Research the publications and practices of well-known intuitives. While many people may consider medical intuition an invalid practice because it is open to too much interpretation, several popular practitioners have brought the field to the mainstream. Intuitives like Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz and Caroline Myss are examples of such practitioners.
Free your mind and practice what you preach. Because you are using your mind as the core of your practice, work to be as open as possible. Take part in activities such as yoga and meditation.
Take classes or seek formal training. Several schools offer programs in the field of medical intuition, as it has gained popularity. To start your practice, also find out whether certifications are necessary in your geographical area.
Do pro bono readings. Volunteer to scan some clients for no charge as you're building your business. Get a consistent and successful caseload under your belt before embarking on a full career as a medical intuitive. After that, you may also want to talk with other medical professionals about joining their practice to further gain legitimacy.