How to Change if You Have Always Been Cranky in the Morning
Leave your curtains or blinds open. It can make it harder to get out of bed if your room is completely dark. The sun is a natural alarm clock. As the sun rises, the room will get brighter and will wake you up gradually. Instead of the incessant sound of an alarm, let nature wake you up. If you are the type that definitely needs an alarm, use a setting that will wake you up to soft music or nature sounds.
Exercise. For some, exercising in the morning can be difficult. Set your alarm an hour earlier, giving you 15 minutes to get out of bed and 45 minutes for the workout. A brisk walk or stretching is a good way to warm up your body and give you energy. The endorphins released during a workout will make you feel good when starting your day.
Sleep. Often for those who are cranky in the morning, it's a result of not getting enough sleep. Not everyone needs eight hours of sleep, but whatever amount your body needs, it's important to get it. In addition to making you cranky, lack of sleep can also weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to illness. Give yourself enough time to wake up slowly. Set your alarm early enough so that you can hit the snooze button a few times and give your body time to adjust.
Adjust your attitude. Make up your mind to be friendlier in the morning. If you don't normally like talking to people, make an effort to say "good morning" and smile. It's hard not to smile back at someone who's smiling at you. Before you go to bed, put a positive note somewhere you will see it, like the mirror. A positive message first thing in the morning may help to mentally prepare you in advance.
Eat breakfast. You may have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and if you eat a healthy breakfast, it will give you energy in addition to the necessary nutrients. Allow enough time to eat breakfast so that you can prepare something you like.
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