How to Use Frequencies to Destroy Germs
Things You'll Need
- UV-C wand
- Vacuum with UV-C
- Air Purifier with UV-C
Pass the UV-C wand over the surface you want to disinfect, exposing each area for around 10 seconds. Germs are not necessarily killed instantly, but in that time span, germs experience a DNA alteration that weakens and kills them in the long run.
Combine your UV-C germ killing efforts with an air purifier that uses the same technology. Germs easily travel in the air, making it impossible to kill all of them by merely passing a light wand on all surfaces. The air purifier takes care of the germs not in contact with any surface.
Upgrade your existing vacuum cleaner into a UV-C vacuum cleaner, and use it regularly or as necessary, when the dust accumulates in your home. A UV-C vacuum cleaner not only rids the area of allergenic particles, but also kills bacteria and viruses that may lurk on furniture surfaces or in the air.