What Are Cold Massage Stones Made Out Of?
Basalt Massage Stones
Both cold and hot stones are made of basalt. Basalt is an igneous rock, or a rock comprised of molten lava that makes up most of the earth's bedrock layer and the sea floor. But the rock used for making massage stones is found above ground as part of ancient lava flows that helped build a large portion of the earth's surface. The rock is dense with fine granules that give it a subtle sparkle when it is held up to the light.
Basalt Formation
Basalt is formed when molten rock erupts from the earth's core and solidifies. The most common formation site is at oceanic divergent boundaries. These are fissures in the ocean floor that slowly emit hot molten rock. The rock eventually hardens into basalt. Basalt is also found when a volcanic hotspot on the ocean floor builds up over time. Eventually this hotspot with appear above sea level, and as eruptions continue, rock spreads and entire islands are created. The Hawaiian Islands, for example, are formed completely out of basalt eruptions.
Cold Stone Color
Basalt is naturally gray to black. The black stones retain the most heat, while the lighter colors stay cooler longer. The color differences develop over long periods of time. Lighter rocks sometimes contain a blend of minerals or have had more environmental exposure, while the black stones are a pure blend of basalt.
The Body and Cold Stones
The stones are chilled, then placed directly on the surface of the skin. For example, a therapist treats a fever or hot flashes by placing the stones on the face. The stones cool the skin's surface area while absorbing some of the heat produced by the inflammation; this gives a client relief. A therapist will use a slightly pointed stone in her massage techniques if she needs to reach a deeper tissue level. A therapist also rotates between hot and cold stones in an effort to stimulate detoxification and balance energy meridians.