How to Make an Intention Board
Things You'll Need
- Poster board
- Magazines
- Photographs
- Scissors
- Glue
Spend some time deciding on what your intentions are. Dream big, but be realistic. Picture how you want your life to look. Decide what you want to be and the goals you have in life. Make a list of these goals and dreams. Pick one for the focus of your intention board.
Search through your magazines and pictures for representations of the goal that you brainstormed in Step 1. Don't limit yourself to pictures — also look for words you can use to represent items for your intention board. Cut out or find a picture or word for every item on your list. You can have more than one if you wish and have room for it.
Lay a piece of poster board on a flat surface. Write your main intention in the center of the poster board or glue a word in the center representing your main intention. Glue, tape or staple the items that you collected in Step 2 to the poster board. Be creative in this step. Take a permanent marker and write positive messages about your intentions on the board. Use ribbon, glitter or any other decoration you wish to dress up your intention board.
Hang your intention board where you will see it every day, preferably several times a day. Looking at the board frequently reinforces your intentions in your mind and to remind you where you should be spending your time and effort. A good place to put your intention board is a place where you tend to waste a lot of time, such as by the television or the computer.
Spend some time daily working with your intention board. Consider your intention and ways to achieve it, then add that to the intention board. Your intention board should evolve over time as you understand more and more what it will take to achieve your goal. Keep adding to it until you have a clear idea of the path ahead of you to realize your intention.