Can Listerine Keep Bugs Away?
The primary active ingredients in Listerine are methyl salicylate (wintergreen oil), thymol (extract of thyme), eucalyptol, a derivative of eucalyptus, and menthol, which comes from mint. In a study by the Univeristy of Florida, a repellent containing eucalyptus oil and methane was effective in keeping mosquitoes at bay for up to two hours. However, repellents that relied on natural oils like peppermint and lemongrass were barely effective for longer than half an hour. Listerine's natural oils do little to repel mosquitoes, as do its inactive ingredients water, coloring and sodium benzoate.
Popular Culture
Listerine has been recommended as a mosquito repellent in emails and books that claim to espouse "home remedies" for common problems. Evidence of this claim dates back to at least 2003, which saw the first major West Nile Virus scare in the United States. It is provocative to note that this health scare coincided with a fierce round of helpful-hint style emails espousing do-it-yourself remedies for mosquitoes. This was not the first time Listerine has been recommended to cure conditions other than bad breath; many consumers report using Listerine for off-label purposes like dandruff treatment, conditioning the coats of animals, preventing lice and curing toenail fungus.
Other Bugs
Some homeopathic websites claim that Listerine can repel and kill ants, but the accuracy of these stories varies drastically, with many consumers reporting that spraying Listerine around the house actually attracts ants instead of repelling them. The website "Grandma's Home Remedies" claims a spray of equal parts Listerine and water will deter aphids from landing on rosebushes, but no evidence exists to suggest this is accurate.
Keeping Bugs Away
To repel mosquitoes, use a commercially-produced bug repellent that contains DEET and wear light-weight, long-sleeved clothing that reduces the amount of skin exposed to mosquitoes. Keep any standing water around your campsite, house, garden or office to a minimum, as mosquitoes lay their eggs in these moist spots. To keep ants from invading, keep food stored in air-tight containers and clean up any spills quickly and thoroughly. Store animal food in plastic bins and feed your pets only what they need to minimize the food available to ants.