DIY Oxygen Bar
Things You'll Need
- A tall table or old kitchen counter
- Laminate sheeting
- Contact cement bond
- Flavored oxygen cylinders with tubes
- Stools
Find an old kitchen counter or a tall and long table. It could be your old one or one you purchase at a thrift store, hardware store or garage sale.
Cover the counter or table top and its sides with laminate. The size of the laminate sheet will depend on the size of the counter or table. Use the contact cement bond to glue the laminate to the top and sides.
Purchase flavored oxygen cylinders that come with breathing tubes. A lot of online stores sell a variety of oxygen cylinders that come in flavors such as vanilla, lemongrass, cinnamon and eucalyptus.
Set up the oxygen cylinders side-by-side on top of the bar. Add stools to your bar and invite your friends over to breathe in some fresh air.