How to Be a More Conscious Person
Discover who you are and embrace it. Try to remember the kind of person you were as you were growing up. Were you artistic, outgoing, mischievous or active? Value those parts of you that have become buried under obligations and age and resurrect them whenever you can.
Spend your energy on the present and teach yourself to let go of things you cannot control. Worrying about things you cannot change is draining for you emotionally and physically. For instance, instead of spending time stressing about how many people in your job are competing for the same promotion, direct your energy into producing the kind of work that will make you a viable candidate.
Focus on the people around you. For instance, take a moment to chat with the check out girl at the grocery store rather than give the usual canned conversation. Notice how it changes the atmosphere for both of you when you communicate in the moment, rather than perform robotic reactions.
Stop and smell the flowers. We often take for granted the beauty of the world around us, but beauty can be found anywhere you are. Take at least 5 minutes to focus on the effects of nature on each of your senses. Close your eyes and listen to the rustling of the leaves on the trees and smell the grass. Watch how quickly the colors of the sunset change or how each individual snowflake crystallizes differently. Try to remind yourself how it felt to be a child and how exhilarating and joyful you felt to be outside in the wind and sun. Do your part to keep the earth beautiful --- whether you elect to recycle or simply keep your own yard in good shape.
Be more spontaneous. Some of life's best experiences are not the ones that are thought over and planned for weeks in advance. Although you should still be responsible regarding your social, financial and emotional health, you should save room for the small spontaneous indulgences that can add extra joy to your life.
Face your fears --- either accept them or take action to get rid of them. For instance, you can accept that snakes will never be your favorite. If you want to tackle that fear of public speaking, you can take classes that will give you confidence in speaking before an audience. Facing your fears will help you to feel more empowered.
Be aware of your physical and emotional health and take action accordingly. If you know you should cut down on the fried food and lose 10 pounds, empower yourself through a diet or exercise program. Once you have hit your goal, pay attention to your body and try to maintain your goal and remain healthy. Go for regular physical examinations and do not stick your head in the sand when things go wrong. Tackling something head on will always be better than spending precious energy lamenting on such thoughts as "what if" and "I wish I could." Forgive yourself for setbacks and failures. Remember that the journey is often as important as the destination and that will power needs to be nourished constantly.