How to Unchap Lips

Lips become chapped or dry when being exposed to dry climates or cold weather. Lips lose their moisture and begin to crack, split or even peel which can be very uncomfortable. Natural remedies can be made at home to relieve dry, chapped lips using regular household items.

Things You'll Need

  • Honey
  • Castor oil
  • Lemon juice
  • Toothbrush
  • Small plate
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      Apply a natural lip balm to your lips. You can find natural lip balm that is allergen free at your local drug store or herb shop.

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      Mix a teaspoon of honey, Castor oil and lemon juice on a small plate. Mix the ingredients together using your finger, until well-blended. Apply the natural homemade lip balm to your lips to relive dryness.

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      Use a toothbrush to exfoliate your lips. Dip the brush end of your toothbrush into warm water and gently rub the toothbrush on your lips using a circular motion. This step is performed after brushing your teeth, exfoliate once or twice a week.

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