How to Make Sound Immersions
Things You'll Need
- Several sound sources such as gongs, singing bowls, crystal bowls, drums, a conch trumpet or your own voice
- Pillow
- Comfortable floor mats
Speak to the person you are giving the sound immersion to. Describe the sound immersion to them, and make sure they know what to expect.
Place your floor mats and pillow on the floor in a safe place where you will not be disturbed. Lay the person down on the mats on their back with their head on the pillow. Make sure they are comfortable and have some drinking water nearby.
Arrange sound sources that can resonate for a long time, such as singing bowls and gongs, around the person. Place them near the person's chakras, if desired. Place sound sources which make a shorter sound, such as drums, where you can reach them easily.
Play the sound sources. Start with soft, gentle sounds and gradually increase the volume and intensity as the person becomes comfortable. Move around the person and make sounds in different places.
Change different elements of the sound, for example, rhythm, instrumental color and intent. Watch the person, and be sensitive to what they are experiencing in that moment. When you feel they are ready to finish, gradually wind down the volume and intensity, then stop.
Allow the person to rest in silence for a few minutes. Give him a glass of water and allow him time to get back to normal. Get feedback from the person about what she experienced to improve your sound immersions.