What Is a Seaweed Wrap?
Seaweed wraps have been used for detoxification in China for many centuries. Seaweed wraps help the body by removing toxins stored in fat. Once removed, it becomes easier to burn the fat. This removal is caused by seaweed's high iodine content and ability to help with blood circulation, which speeds up the metabolism. Toxic fat is dangerous, especially when stored near the heart, which is where most toxic fat rests in the body.
Beautiful Skin
The minerals found in seaweed are as plentiful as the ocean. Due to this high volume of minerals, seaweed wraps greatly soften, moisturize and tighten the skin. The beta carotene found in seaweed enhances skin tone and revives free radicals, which are the molecules that cause aging. This use of sea plants for beautification and health promotion is called thalassotherapy and is used in regions all around the world.
Weight Loss
You will lose noticeable inches on the body immediately following a seaweed wrap. This is due to the amount of water that is removed from the body during the tightening that occurs due to the minerals in the seaweed wrap. Cellulite will also be less noticeable as a result. While these immediate results are nice, they are only temporary; therefore, wraps should not be thought of as a weight-loss product.
The B vitamins found in seaweed promote energy, thus relieving stress and allowing a person to relax. Once wrapped, the body is allowed to remain relaxed in this rejuvenating state for an hour or more. Seaweed also helps relax the muscles by providing a good source of magnesium to them. The relaxation effect of the magnesium goes beyond the wrap by promoting good sleep, particularly to women suffering from menopause.