Parasite Cleansing Products
Purify is a parasite cleansing product that is 100 percent natural. The herbs in this parasite cleansing product have been formulated by a master herbalist, according to The Life Tree. Purify features a well-balanced mix of herbs that ensures success in cleansing parasites. Some of the ingredients in Purify are green black walnut, pumpkin seed, clove flower, cumin seeds, cramp bark, peppermint leaves, fennel seeds and oregano leaves. All the ingredients in Purify are organic in both their purity as well as their composition, containing no additives or fillers.
Dr. Flora's Parasite Defense
Dr. Flora's Parasite Defense is a product that both cleanses and defends you against parasites, eggs and worms. In addition, this parasite cleansing product permits your body to take in extra nutrients for energy and health. It also promotes the repair of the inner membrane of your intestinal wall. This parasite cleansing product features 16 ingredients that work together to counteract parasites. Some of these ingredients are peppermint, gentian roots, garlic, turmeric root, licorice root, pinkroot, oregano, male fern root, and false unicorn root.
Paraway Cleanse
The Paraway Cleanse features three specific cleansing aspects that work in synergy with one another. These aspects address parasites in each of their three stages of the life cycle. One aspect is black walnut extract, which works to battle parasites in their adult stage. The next aspect is a wormwood and artemisia mix that optimizes your body's capability of battling parasites in their larvae and adult stages. The last component in this parasite cleansing product is freshly ground cloves, which are supposed to get rid of parasites in their egg stage.
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver is a common component in parasite cleansing products. Colloidal silver is a herb that has been used since the early part of the 20th century. It has also been called the all-around best germ-fighter ever known, according to Parasite Cleanse Info. This herb is absolutely non-toxic and completely all-natural, working as an antibiotic to kill off infectious bacteria. In contrast to antibiotics of a pharmaceutical kind, colloidal silver does not hurt any of the helpful enzymes in your body.