What Are Tesla Purple Plates?
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla was a scientist born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1856. At age 28 he came to the United States to work for Thomas Alva Edison. Tesla would go on to make many scientific discoveries and produce many products. His lasting legacy is the concept of alternating current which today is the basis for large scale electrical production and transmission. It replaced the technology of direct current that Edison created. Tesla had numerous theories about energy, one of which forms the rationale for the purple plate.
Free Energy
Tesla purple plates claim to employ the theories of Nikola Tesla with regard to free energy. Tesla's theory involved the idea that free energy exists in the atmosphere and in all living beings. Tesla's ideas centered around the means to harness this energy. He believed the entire world could be powered for no cost with this energy source. The claim with regard to the plates is that tjhey raise the energy level of the person possessing them by capturing this free energy. The free energy released through the plates can supposedly provide physical healing for headaches, wounds and other ailments. They also theoretically provide protection from electromagnetic sources such as cell phones and bring energy to plants, pets and to the owner of the plate.
The plates are made from anodized aluminum that is colored purple. The atoms and electrons of the plate are then charged so they are in resonance with the fundamental energy of the universe. The plates have a crystal surface. The plates are claimed to work for an unlimited period of time as they continually recharge themselves.
All of the statements concerning Tesla purple plates on the website contain a disclaimer that none of the claims regarding them can be proved by current scientific methods. In addition, the disclaimer states that the plates are not medical devices. The final statement of the disclaimer is that, "It is in your sole discernment as to when, why and how to apply these products."