How to Extract Oil From Mahogany Seeds
A mahogany seed contains 10 to 30 percent oil, which can be extracted using household materials. When taken in low doses, mahogany seeds are said to have medicinal properties. Hypertension, chest pains, and intestinal parasitism are thought to subside with mahogany seed treatments. It is important for children not to eat mahogany seeds, however. They can be toxic in large amounts. In fact, people use mahogany seeds as a natural pesticide.Things You'll Need
- Mahogany seeds
- Plastic sandwich bag
- Meat mallet
- Hand towel
- Distilled water
- Fine strainer
- Cooking pan
- Glass jar
Pour 5 cups of mahogany seeds into a plastic sandwich bag. Apply pressure to the top of the bag using fingers. Seal the top of the bag.
Cover a meat mallet with a hand towel by wrapping the hand towel around the head of the mallet.
Hit the bag with the head of the mallet to crush the mahogany seeds.
Repeat Step 3 until the mahogany seeds are crushed completely. The seeds will have a texture of coffee grounds.
Pour 1 cup of distilled water into the bag of crushed mahogany seeds. Mix the crushed seeds with the distilled water.
Pour the mixture through a fine strainer into a cooking pan. The fine strainer removes seed particles. The oil and water drain through the strainer into the cooking pan.
Simmer the mixture for 5 minutes at low heat. The distilled water evaporates. The oil of the mahogany seeds remain.
Cool the mahogany seed oil for 30 minutes.
Pour the mahogany seed oil into a glass jar for future use.