Making Colloidal Silver
Things You'll Need
- 3 9-volt batteries
- 2 battery terminal clips
- Glass jar, 8-12 oz.
- Distilled water
- 2 silver rods (99.9 percent pure, not sterling)
- Distilled white vinegar
- Paper towels
- 2 alligator clips
Attach three 9-volt batteries together in a row with two battery terminal clips, attaching the positive end to the negative end on each. It is possible to use fewer batteries, which also reduces risk associated with using electricity, but the process of making the colloidal silver will take longer.
Wash a glass jar well. Jelly jars or mason jars are good for this, as they have lids and can store the colloidal silver afterward, but a large ordinary drinking glass can be used as well.
Fill the jar with distilled water. Leave a little space at the top of the jar.
Wipe the two silver rods with a paper towel soaked in white vinegar, then bend the two silver rods so that the tops form a small hook. Use this hook to hang each rod over the lip of the jar so that most of the wire is in the water. Be sure that the wires are on opposite sides of the jar.
Take one of your alligator clips. Attach one end of the clip to one end of your row of batteries and the other end of the clip to one of the silver wires, using the end of the wire that is hooked over the lip of the jar. Do the same with the other alligator clip, but use the other hanging wire and other end of the row of batteries. Do not let the alligator clips fall into the water. While this process is not particularly dangerous, take care and be sure that your hands are dry. Once the batteries and wires are all connected, the process of generating colloidal silver has begun.
Let the process run for about 15 minutes. You should see some bubbles form, which indicates that the generator is working properly. Your final product should be slightly cloudy and white. Take apart the generator once you are finished.
Store your colloidal silver in a dark place at room temperature. Using a tinted glass container can help with preservation and do not store colloidal silver in anything but a glass container.