Methods of Cleansing Bodily Systems
Eating Clean
Cleaning out your bodily symptoms is as easy as eliminating certain food from your diet. Eating only fruits and vegetables reduces the amount of toxins and unnatural ingredients you ingest, as long as you choose organic produce not exposed to chemical pesticides. Fruits and vegetables are easy to digest because of their high water content. Though plenty of healthy foods such as beans, nuts and seeds do not fall into the produce category, they are more challenging to digest. If you want to clean out your digestive system without sacrificing vitamins and nutrients, focus on eating a variety of fruits and vegetables including tomatoes, leafy greens, onions, garlic, citrus fruit and berries.
Fasting is an extreme method of cleansing your body. A liquid fast allows you to drink broth, vegetable and fruit juice, while a total fast limits you to only water. Fasting can be unhealthy and even dangerous if carried on for too long. However, a short fast allows your digestive track to take a break and can leave you feeling physically and spiritually healthier. Fasting might also reduce the pain and discomfort of chronic conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, migraines and eczema.
Cleansing Products
Several products on the market are designed to cleanse the digestive system and the liver. The Master Cleanse usually lasts 10 days and claims to improve the health of your colon and help you lose weight. During the cleanse, you consume only lemon juice, water, cayenne pepper and maple syrup, with the possible inclusion of laxative tea and salt water. Total Cleanse and Bromalite claim to flush the colon and support weight loss. Both are pills containing primarily herbal ingredients. The pills are marketed to dieters and people with a desire to rid their colons and digestive systems of toxic build-up.
Colon Irrigation
Colon irrigation, sometimes called colon lavage or therapy, is performed by a medical professional and is similar to an enema. Some practitioners include herbs in the water. The process is intended to remove built-up of fecal matter in the colon, but doctors have differing opinions on the effectiveness of the procedure. Frequent irrigation can interfere with the body's natural elimination system.