Musical Tones to Raise Vibration
The foundation tone begins at 174 Hz and focuses on connecting you with God or a higher power. The tone reminds you that God exists everywhere; separation from God is an illusion.
The next tone on the scale vibrates at 285 Hz. The note focuses your mind on the connection with all that is material and a part of your environment. Use the connection to acknowledge your part in the world and then allow it to fade as you move your focus within yourself.
At 396 Hz, you can liberate your mind and spirit from fear and guilt. These emotions hold you back and keep you trapped in patterns that do not serve you. Sink into the tone and open your heart and mind. Allow the healing tone to gently expand within you and replace fear and guilt with love and hope.
When the fourth tone resonates at 417 Hz, unhealthy emotional patterns begin to dissolve and unchain your mind and your body. You see the way to change, and you can follow the path to a healthier emotional life. You see old patterns that kept you in turmoil. You desire to stop wandering in an emotional wilderness and move to a healthier place.
According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz in "The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of Love," at 528 Hz healing occurs. Focus and surrender to the tone and allow your body, mind and spirit to rejuvenate and regenerate. Feel healing energy flow through your body, bringing new life and divine health to all parts of you.
At 639 Hz, relationships connect and reconnect. You feel more at peace in your world. You have more patience with others and you can share your love and energy with them. You desire that all people live in peace.
Your mind is open to divine wisdom at 741 Hz. You feel an expansion that opens your intuitive energies. You see answers and solutions you never considered before.
At 852 Hz, you experience unconditional love and a return to spiritual order. Your whole being resonates with love and peace.
Total Connection
Fully connected to God at 963 Hz, you have reached the pinnacle.