How to Teach Deep Breathing
Things You'll Need
- Cushion
Train to automate deep breathing. There are two easy methods: the "Pause Breath Method," which focuses on the pause that occurs just after you inhale and the pause that occurs just after you exhale; and the "Pavlov Method," which focuses on conscious deep breathing at specific times during the day.
Practice the deep breathing techniques so you understand how they work. This way, you will be able to teach these methods to others with confidence and conviction.
Ask your student to sit on a cushion on the floor and cross his legs. Get him to assume a relaxed but upright position to begin the breathing techniques. Placing his hands loosely on his knees will help him relax.
Speak gently and slowly to your student. Deep breathing is a practiced relaxation technique, and this will be made easier if you use soft vocal tones to communicate. Much of the teaching is done verbally, so being calm in your approach is best.
Instruct your student to close her eyes and concentrate on the movement that deep breathing creates. Tell her to feel her lungs expand and contract with each breath, and to feel the air coming in and out of her nose and mouth.
Explain to your student how to perform a deep breath. Tell him to inhale through his nose and, as he does, count to five in his mind slowly. As he inhales, tell him to gently push his belly out so it can fill with air.
Watch your student as she performs deep breathing. Correct her breathing if she make mistakes. For example, as she pushes her belly out, watch her stomach so you can make sure she is doing it right. Check that she lifts her chest and fill it with air as she finishes counting to five.
Teach your student to exhale properly. Once the count to five has finished, tell him to relax and breathe out slowly, while counting to eight. Slow exhales are better as they are more controlled.
Get your student to perform five cycles of this deep breathing routine. Ask him to pause and relax and breathe normally again. Repeat the exercise after a few minutes.
Meet with your student once a week to practice deep breathing together. Monitor her progress by noting how deep breathing becomes more natural for her.