Tips for Simplifying Your Life

To live a simpler life, changes, both easy and hard, will have to take place. According to Leo Babauta of, the most basic and direct way to simplify involves two steps. Identify what is important to you and eliminate everything else. Simplifying your life can lead to many benefits including less stress, more free time and more money.
  1. Become Aware

    • The first step toward simplicity is to become aware of what you do, what you want and what you need. Make a list that details things that you feel you need in your life. Then make a list of the things you do. Take notice of the things that do not help you accomplish your needs and wants and stop doing them. For example, if you look at your lists and realize you end up going out on the town three nights a week when you only want to go out once a week, cut out the other two nights. You likely will find you'll save money and find more time to do the things you value more.

    Reduce Your Clutter

    • Reducing your clutter can help simplify your life. Start cutting back on your acquisition of stuff. Get a library card and go to the library to check out books and media rather than buying them. Donate extra clothes to needy organizations. Keep a supply of canvas bags for the supermarket and don't buy more than you can put in your bags. Store necessary media digitally. Assess your belongings. If they have real value to you keep them, otherwise sell, donate or dispose of them.

    Organize Your Time and Money

    • Start building positive organizational habits. Designate a single day of the week as laundry day. Find how many times a week you need to grocery shop and stick to designated days. If you find exercise to be of value to you, make an appointment with yourself to get that exercise. Get an organizer and track how your time is spent. Keep a record of your time and your money, then regularly reflect on it to see where you are losing either because of carelessness. Tracking your behaviors enables you to hold yourself accountable and stop problems before you are out of time or money.

    Enjoy Your Time

    • When your life is simplified, you know what resources you have and what your outgoing expenses are. You have addressed the things you want and need. Even if you just got your life back under your control, you'll likely find that is a major stress reliever. Simplifying your life can help you live in a more eco-friendly fashion. You also have likely helped others by donating goods that you no longer need. If you have your life in order, you will be better able to address real challenges when they confront you.

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