Inner Powers of the Mind
Hypnosis or self-hypnosis is one of the methods of accessing and directing the subconscious. In hypnosis, the hypnotherapist directs the patient's unconscious mind and puts suggestions, such as "I do not smoke" into the mind. The purpose is to use the subconscious mind to stop a behavior rather than the conscious mind, which is not always effective. Self-hypnosis is when an individual personally hypnotizes herself.
Yoga and the Mind
Yoga is often used as a breathing and stretching exercise, but true yoga not only uses the physical body, but also the mind. In yoga, meditation and clearing the mind is one of the techniques taught by teachers. By ridding the mind of the earthly clutter of thoughts, the mind is able to access inner powers and feel at one with the universe.
Power of Visualization
Among the inner powers of the mind is visualization. Visualization is the active thought processes associated with thinking about what we want and seeing it come into fruition. This visualization allows the subconscious mind to pick up on the thoughts and then the inner mind focuses and believes in the goal.
Affirmations are the positive statements which are repeated throughout the day. The affirmations are designed to provide encouragement and bring about positive changes in life. For example, someone who has a sickness might affirm good health by saying "thank you for my healing" while feeling gratitude and calm. The affirmation moves into the subconscious mind and the inner mind works on physical healing.
Law of Attraction
The law of attraction is the way that the inner mind or the statements of the conscious mind interact with the universe. In the law of attraction, the mind brings positives and negatives into the life. For example, thinking about not being late results in bringing traffic or problems which result in being late. If thinking about being on time, which is a positive way to think, the problems which might cause lateness do not arise because the mind is attracting a smooth trip.
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