Hulda Clark Zapper Instructions
Things You'll Need
- A zapper
- Tissue paper
- Water on hand
- Clock for timing
Wrap the zapper hand grips in a layer of wet paper towel. Do not use more than one sheet. Grip the hand holds tightly, and switch the zapper on. Zap for seven minutes. Release your grip and turn the zapper off. Rest for 20 to 30 minutes. During this rest period, dying parasites will release viruses and bacteria into the body.
Dampen another sheet of paper. Wrap it round the grips, hold them firmly, and turn the zapper back on. Zap for a further seven minutes. This second seven-minute session is to kill the newly released viruses produced after the first session. During the second session, more viruses are released from the dying bacteria. After seven minutes, release the grips, and turn the zapper off. Wait 20 minutes.
Dampen a third sheet of paper and wrap it round the hand grips. Hold them firmly, and turn the zapper back on. Zap for seven minutes. The third session is intended to kill the viruses that were released during the second session.