Cures for Hangovers
If you are experiencing nausea or dizziness with your hangover, you may want to eat something to settle your stomach. The idea of food may not be appeasing, but it's important that your body receives the food and nutrients it needs to recover from the hangover. If you are nauseous, try eating something bland such as a piece of dry toast or a saltine cracker to ease your stomach. You may also want to eat a banana. You lose a lot of potassium in your body when you drink alcohol, and bananas are full of potassium and magnesium. This will help aid your body in the recovery process, and can help lessen a bad headache. Additionally, bananas have a natural antacid effect, which can help ease nausea.
Drink Water
One of the main causes of hangovers is dehydration, so it is important to drink lots of water when you are hung over. This will help ease some of your symptoms and get your body back on the road to recovery. If you are feeling nauseous, try drinking a can of cola, as the acid will help relieve your nausea. The caffeine and sugar in the soda will also give you more energy and help battle fatigue. A cup of coffee will also help with fatigue. Glasses of juice filled with vitamins can also aid in the recovery process. Make sure to continue to drink water with these other liquids, as too much soda and coffee can dehydrate your body even more.
Take Vitamins
Replacing lost vitamins in your body will also help with your hangover. All of these vitamins can be purchased in supplement form at a local drugstore or health food stores. Try to replace lost vitamin B and vitamin C in the morning with tablets, but make sure to eat something first, as taking these pills on an empty stomach may induce vomiting. Replacing vitamin C can also help ease some of the symptoms you are experience and will boost your immune system, helping with recovery time. Vitamin C can be found in orange juice, tomato juice, in tablet form or in drink packets known as EmergenC. You may also want to try taking vitamin C and vitamin B tablets prior to drinking next time you consume alcohol, as it can assist in speeding up your hangover recovery.
Other Treatments
In addition to supplying your body with the vitamins, nutrients and rest it needs to recover, there are other things you can do to help manage the symptoms of a hangover. If you are experiencing severe headaches, try to put an ice pack on your head, to lessen the pain. You can also use an over-the-counter pain medication such as Advil or Tylenol to help with headache pain. Taking a hot bath or shower can also help you sweat out toxins and rid your body of the alcohol in your system. However, you should proceed with caution, as hot baths or showers can sometimes cause dizziness or light-headedness.