The Uses for Biotics Hydro-Zyme
The first ingredient listed on the Hydro-Zyme label is 2 mg of Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine hydrochloride, a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin B6, besides assisting in digestion, is necessary for the synthesis of neurotransmitters, including serotonin, which governs mood, sleep and memory, and norepinephrine, which regulates blood pressure and heart rate. Betaine hydrochloride comes next as an extra source of hydrochloride, the natural substance in the stomach for digestion. Glutamic acid, or L-glutamic acid hydrochloride, is a non-essential amino acid produced by the body and the third listed ingredient. Other ingredients include ammonium chloride, pancreatin and pepsin.
Biotics recommends a dosage of one tablet at each meal. This schedule allows the ingredients in the tablet to aid in digestion. Each tablet contains the daily recommended allowance of vitamin B6. That vitamin aids in the production of hydrochloride. According to the Biotics website, Hydro-Zyme provides digestive support via supplemental betaine hydrochloride, pepsin, pancreatin and other known synergists, which enhance the activity of vitamin B6 and its properties. Consider when the need for supplemental hydrochloric acid or pancreatin is indicated.
Pancreatin contains digestive enzymes needed by the body. The digestive system relies upon the pancreas to release required enzymes. According to Web MD, pancreatin should only be taken when the pancreas is not producing sufficient enzymes. That follows the statement by Biotics to take as a supplement only as needed. Pancreatin typically comes from animal sources. The label on Hydro-Zyme has the word "porcine" in parenthesis following pancreatin, indicating the source is pork. Side effects from pancreatin include diarrhea, cramps, abdominal pain and nausea.
Pepsin, another ingredient of Hydro-Zyme, digests proteins found in meats, eggs and other dairy products. It breaks down proteins, making them easier to digest. According to the Encyclopedia Brittanica, glands in the stomach's lining store an inactive protein called pepsinogen. When activated, the glands secrete pepsinogen, which combines with hydrochloric acid to produce pepsin. Pepsin maintains its effectiveness in the acid environment of normal gastric juices. Pepsin only partially breaks down protein, with the remainder of the breakdown done by pancreatic enzymes.