Natural Cures for Stinky Feet
Keep Feet Dry
Sweaty or wet feet is the leading cause of foot odor, so keep your feet as dry as possible to prevent stinky feet. Keep your feet dry by changing your shoes every two days or sooner if your shoes become wet. This gives your shoes a chance to dry out. Wear a fresh pair of clean cotton socks every day and avoid socks made with synthetics. Kick your shoes off whenever possible and try going barefoot more often around the house to allow feet to stay dry.
Vinegar Bath
Get rid of your stinky feet by soaking them in this special vinegar bath. Fill a foot bath with two quarts of water that is hot, but not so hot that it is dangerous for your feet. Combine a half cup of apple cider vinegar and up to ten drops of tea tree essential oil and add this mixture to the foot bath. Allow your feet to soak in the bath for at least fifteen minutes, though you may go a full half hour if you wish. After the bath, dry your feet for at least five minutes before putting on any footwear.
Baking Soda
Most people use baking soda to keep bad smells out of the refrigerator, but the same can be used for smelly feet. Baking soda absorbs bad odors but does not produce a scent on its own, so combine equal parts baking soda with crushed sage leaves to create a pleasant-smelling powder. Add one tablespoon of the baking soda mixture into your shoes each night. The baking soda will not only remove the odor from inside your shoes at night, it will also keep your foot dry and odorless the next day if left inside. Replace the mixture daily.
Black Tea
The tannins in black tea are a good remedy for stinky feet because tannic acid prevents perspiration in your feet. Create a black tea foot bath by boiling one quart of water and then adding five black tea bags to the hot water. Let the water cool considerably until it is safe to stick your feet in. Alternatively, you may cool down the water by adding ice cubes. Soak your feet in the black tea mixture for twenty minutes to a half hour to reduce foot odor.