Health Impacts of Cedar Oil
Cleansing and Toning Treatments
The oil acts as a diuretic, increasing the frequency of urination which helps in the removal of fat, excess water and toxins. Toxins and extra water can cause hypertension, rheumatism, arthritis and gout, to name a few ailments. Cedar oil stimulate metabolism and tones muscles, skin, brain and digestive functions.
Internal Treatments
You can use cedar oil as an expectorant if you have a cough or congestion. Cedar oil gets rid of phlegm from the respiratory tracts and lungs. It can also relieve headaches and irritated eyes. Use cedar oil as an astringent to cure toothaches. The oil will strengthen the gums' grip on your teeth and tighten loose muscles in your mouth. Cedar oil can help people who have obstructed or irregular menstruations, also known as emmenagogue. The oil stimulate menstruations and helps make them regular again. The oil also relieves emmenagogue symptoms, such as nausea and fatigue. Cedar oil is an effective anti-septic that protects wounds from germs and bacteria. You can find the ingredient in some herbal antiseptic creams.
Skin Treatments
Put cedar oil on exposed areas of your body when you're out and about in the summer to keep mosquitoes and other insects from biting you. It can also help get rid of acne. For those suffering from seborrhoeic eczema, an unpleasant inflammatory skin disease, you can apply cedar oil to reduce peeling off of skin and help treat the infection. Cedar oil acts as a fungicide, which can help eliminate fungal infections both externally and internally.
Those who have trouble sleeping or suffer from tension and anxiety may find cedar oil soothing, sedating and helpful in getting a good night's rest.
Negative Impacts
Cedar oil has some negative health impacts. A high concentration of the oil will cause irritated skin. Also, pregnant and breast-feeding women should avoid using the oil altogether because of its effectiveness in treating emmenagogue. Cedar oil should never be ingested; rather, it should be rubbed on the skin or used in aromatherapy.