The Physiological Effects of a Steam Bath
Releases Toxins
Some believe that steam helps release toxins from the body. The belief is that, when exposed to a great amount of steam, the pores of your skin are opened, making a passageway for impurities to leave the skin.
Moisturizes Skin
A more obvious effect of steam baths is that they leave the body with a greater water content than before, at least temporarily. When pores are open, water vapor seeps into the skin. In addition to providing the body with hydration, this has the effect of giving the skin a glowing, dewy appearance -- a result especially popular with women. The skin feels more relaxed and pliable. The benefits last only a day or so, however -- until the additional water is used up by the body and must be replaced.
Relaxes Muscles
One of the primary reasons people use steam baths is that they're excellent muscle relaxers. The combination of water and heat infiltrates the muscles and provides long-lasting relief for a stiff, sore and aching body. Torn or damaged muscles may heal faster, because steam increases circulation to the injured area.
Slows Respiration
Heat and water combined reduce the amount of oxygen received by the lungs, thereby slowing respiration. This can be an appropriate benefit if you need to physically or psychologically relax. However, it can be devastating if you have a heart condition, or a similar ailment. Before enjoying the effects of a steam bath, be sure to check with your physician to see if he recommends such treatments, based on your health background.
Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to visit a spa to enjoy the physiological benefits of a steam bath -- you can create one in your own home. Simply close the bathroom door and let the hot water from a shower run for a half hour or longer. By sitting in the steamy bathroom, you can get many of the positive effects of a spa steam bath.