How to Use a Float Spa
Things You'll Need
- Ear plugs
- Small dish of clear water
- Cotton pads
- Petroleum jelly -- optional
Take a shower and rinse or wash your hair and body. Most float spas have a private shower attached to each float room for privacy. Cleansing your body warms your skin before getting in the body temperature spa and removes any dirt, oils or germs from your body.
Roll the ear plugs in your hands to warm them up and shape them into balls. Press one plug in each ear, making sure your ear canal is sealed off before entering the spa. This keeps the saltwater from entering your ears and causing itching and dryness once it becomes crystallized.
Fill the small dish with clear water and soak the cotton pads inside. Place this dish on the ledge of the spa, within arm's reach. If some of the saltwater seeps into your eye, you will want to gently wipe your eye with the cotton pad to remove the salt and keep your eyes from burning.
Step into the float spa and ease yourself into a reclining position. Lay all the way back, placing your head in the water, and allow the water to keep you suspended. Relax all your muscles and take a few deep breaths. Allow your mind to wander or pay attention to your what is going on in your mind, body and spirit during this experience.
Lay motionless in the water and avoid tensing your muscles to try to hold your head up out of the water. The density of the salt water will keep your head above the water, and you will find it is tough to push your body down to the bottom of the spa even if you wanted to.
Sit up and grasp the side of the spa when your time is up. You should feel like you woke from a long, restful sleep or finished a relaxing massage. Carefully step out of the spa and step into the shower. Cleanse your body and hair, washing and rinsing off the Epsom salt.