How to Quit Smoking Biblically
Pray about your decision to quit smoking. Thank God for leading you to this decision. Tell God your concerns about various temptations and ask Him for strength as you make a commitment to kick the habit.
List the reasons you want to quit smoking on a piece of paper and place it where you will frequently see it. For example, paste it on the wall of the porch where you usually smoke or on your office table. Make as many copies as you need.
Write down phrases that remind you of your decision to quit smoking on little pieces of paper. Leave your cigarettes at home and stick the pieces of paper on your wallet. When you are tempted to buy a new pack, you will see the note you made and think twice about your action. Some Bible quotes you can write include "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phillippians 4:13) and "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Approach your church leaders about your decision to quit smoking. Some churches have counseling services for members of the congregation who want to quit smoking. Even if your church has no such services, your church leaders might be able to give you some support. For example, they can give you advice or offer to talk to you every week about your progress.
Ask a Christian friend who has successfully quit smoking to help you through the process. Pray with your friend to ask God to bless your efforts; call your friend every time you feel the urge to smoke.