Chemical Dependency Treatment Alternatives
Acupuncture, which is an Eastern tradition, is a useful alternative treatment for chemical dependency. Practitioners of this traditional and holistic approach view chemical dependency as a condition of "empty fire" to be put out by restoring a person's inner calm tone. According to the principles of Chinese medicine, sedation by other drugs is the incorrect treatment of "empty fire." The treatment of acupuncture will restore the inner calm tone by stimulating the coinciding "yin" points on a person's body. The level of addiction dictates where to perform the acupuncture as well as the amount of treatments needed for a person to return to the expected level of yin function.
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is an alternative approach for treating chemical dependency. EMDR therapy combines elements from several types of therapies including psychodynamic, interpersonal, cognitive and other body-centered therapies. This method of treatment works by utilizing an eight-phase approach to processing any patient-experienced situations that trigger dysfunction. EMDR also provides the positive experiences necessary for mental wellness and adaptive behaviors. Treatment includes a reprocessing phase designed to allow the patient to process past and present situations and anticipate future experiences, all while focusing on an external stimulus. Patients generally achieve new insight and memory associations with EMDR.
Art Therapy
Art therapy is an alternative method used to treat many conditions including chemical dependency. This method of therapy works by creating a three-way relationship between the art, patient and therapist. Art therapists use their education and experience to instruct patients on ways to tap into the subconscious by utilizing the patient's artistic expression and reflections. This allows patients to increase their self-esteem, enhances cognitive ability and encourages the patient in the realization of self-awareness. Art therapy types include drawing, sculpting, creating mosaics, painting and clay making. Each form includes patient assessments, which will later provide insight on progress made. All forms of art therapy are beneficial in reconciling trauma and other emotional conflicts.