How to Buy a Used Massage Seat
A massage chair can be an expensive purchase. If you don't have a lot of money to spend, buying a used chair is an alternative idea that will work well. This will allow you to enjoy all the perks of a new massage chair without the hefty price tag. You can go about finding the right used massage chair in various ways, but do your research so you don't get ripped off or buy a chair that does not work right.Instructions
Seek out and go to local yard sales to find people selling used massage chairs. If you find one you like, test it out and ask a lot of questions.
Visit local thrift shops and other secondhand stores to seek out used massage chairs.
Visit online sales sites (see Resources) to search for used massage chairs. Communicate effectively with the sellers to be sure that return policies are fair, in case the massage chair you purchase proves to be faulty.