How to Use Collidial Silver for Diaper Rash
Diaper rashes are stubborn bacterial and fungal infections that have been tested to respond to colloidal silver. The recommended dose is safe on diaper rash, and can clear up an infection quickly.
Check your baby carefully to see what kind of infection is on the skin where the diaper is worn. When a diaper is left on too long and urine begins to break down into ammonia the natural oils of the baby's skin are no longer a sufficient barrier. This can create a rash. If the rash goes into impetigo, which is caused by strep or staph infection, it will create blisters that ooze and crust.
Colloidal silver has been proven to kill the strep or staph infection. The effect colloidal silver has on the cell walls of bacteria is to inhibit cellular respiration.
Research colloidal silver products before using on your baby's diaper rash. There is debate over the effectiveness of silver ions verses silver particles. Professor Ronald J. Gibbs, director of the Center for Colloidal Science at the University of Delaware, claims that the larger the number of nanoparticles of metallic silver in similar size to silver contained in silver ions is preferred for maximum effectiveness. A higher silver parts per million (ppm) is desired for killing off an antimicrobial infection. The highest used in a reputable product is between 10 to 30 ppm.
Use a colloidal silver spray directly on the affected skin. Be sure the skin is clean and dry. Spray directly on the rash and let dry before putting a diaper back on. The natural oils of the baby's skin will resume and protect the skin. Just be certain to keep up with changing the diaper regularly.
Change the diaper regularly to see if healing is taking affect. It is safe to use the spray up to four times in a twelve hour period. Always be sure to let the spray dry. Blowing on it will help it dry quickly. If the rash is severe, take a more serious course of action. Use a colloidal silver product that is an ointment or lotion. Apply according to directions on the label. These products are more potent than the sprays and can be found in health food stores or on-line.
It is always best to consult with your doctor before trying anything you are not comfortable about.