Zapper Therapy
How it Works
Bio-electric zappers send high and low electro-magnetic frequencies coursing through your body to kill and disrupt parasites and microorganisms living in your body. The user places the two paddles somewhere on their body and simply allows the wave to flow through them for approximately seven minutes.
Dr. Hulda Clark
The inventor of the parasite zapper is Dr. Hulda Clark. She is an advocate of numerous alternative and holistic healing methods and creator of similar devices such as the syncrometer and the sonicator.
While the parasite zapper is yet to be exhaustively tested as to whether or not it is effective, studies by Dr. Robert J. Thiel were conducted in 1998 that corroborate Dr. Clark's findings. However, Dr. Thiel is not a medical doctor and his findings are to be interpreted as statistical evidence only. Anecdotal reports suggest that the zapper does in fact assist with acclimating the user with foreign microorganisms.