Free Homemade Sleeping Remedies
Define Your Routine
Establishing a bedtime schedule can help induce sleep because consistency will prepare your unconscious for bed. Try some calming and relaxing activities prior to going to sleep, such as reading a book, taking a bath, or listening to some music and avoid energizing activities like working out or watching horror movies. Write down everything you do and do it at the same time every night. This helps train your body that these things mean it is time to sleep. If you still have trouble after a week, change some things like what you are drinking or what kind of book your reading. Tea and coffee have caffeine that blocks the sleep receptors in your brain. It won't make you less tired, but it won't help you fall asleep either and suspense novels increase your adrenaline and boost your energy, so they probably aren't the best bed time read.
Daily Exercise
Regular exercise helps regulate your sleep cycle and can lower stress to help make it easier to fall asleep. You want to make sure you are exerting yourself during the day and not necessarily before bed. The idea is to keep your body energized during the day and then allow it to relax at night, thereby promoting sleep.
Sleep Space
The conditions of where you sleep can also have an effect on your ability to fall asleep. Try to use your bedroom for sex and sleep only. If possible, remove the TV and computer and put them in another room of the house. Try to make sure that the room is as dark as possible to promote a regular sleep schedule. Install some blinds and black out curtains or try wearing a sleep mask to bed. If you have problems with noise, try removing the object that makes the noise from the room or use ear plugs to block out sounds you can't control like traffic or neighbors.
Some scents are proven to help you relax and sleep. Lavender for example is an expert recommended sleep aid. Try keeping a plant in your room, spritzing your pillow with real lavender essence, or making a lavender herb pouch to keep inside your pillowcase.
Meditation helps your body stretch and the muscles relax which is the first step in being able to sleep. Try some calming yoga that involves stretching your muscles but avoid those types that might invigorate you. Focus on your breathing to help calm yourself and consider opening a window slightly to help increase the air flow and ventilation to make your breathing easier.