How Can I Shield Myself From EMR?
Since 2001, electromagnetic radiation has been categorized by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a 2B possible human carcinogen, along with chloroform, lead and DDT. America's National Institute of Environmental Health Studies had reached the same conclusion as early as 1998, along with similar rulings made by panels worldwide. Initial concerns about increases in childhood leukemia rates near power lines have led on to worries about mobile phone use and, more generally, about overall levels of EMR in our electrically managed lifestyles. Many quack solutions are marketed that allegedly protect you from EMR but, despite studies, there is not yet a product that can shield you against it. You can take steps, however, to reduce your EMR exposure.Instructions
Buy a Gaussmeter to measure the EMR that you are exposed to on a daily basis. You can buy Gaussmeters online from as little as $135, as of December, 2010. Measure levels at home in each room, at different times and under different conditions--with different electrical appliances turned on and off. Similarly measure your exposure at work. While ordinary ambient EMR is 0.5 milligauss, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's safety standard is 1 milligauss.
Stop your children from using cell phones unless in an emergency. Studies have shown that EMR penetrates a child's brain much farther and faster than an adult's. Get all of the family to use the land line whenever possible, as long as it isn't a cordless one. Cordless telephones also use microwave technology and are thought to be just as harmful as cell phones, if not more so. Further protective measures to protect against cell phone EMR include using an ear bud, according to the manufacturer's instructions, and keeping calls as short as possible. Keep your phone away from your body between calls and wait a few seconds after answering a call before putting the phone to.your ear. Be aware that metal glasses, jewelry and wet hair attracts EMR and that your phone compensates in bad signal areas by increasing power and, therefore, EMR.
Avoid too much exposure to low-frequency electric appliances (60 hz) such as electric blankets--don't sleep with them switched on--and keep a distance from AC/DC transformers attached to appliances that you have plugged into wall sockets. Don't sleep near electricity wires entering the house or with electric alarm clocks by your head, and if you work with computers for long periods in the day, sit as far back from them as you can. Also, keep electrical appliances switched off and unplugged as much as possible. Energy fields can still be produced around the connecting lead if the appliance is left plugged in. As a general rule, use electrical goods as little as possible, keep as far away from them as you can when they are in use and unplug them as soon as you can.