Tricks for Getting Rid of a Cough

The pesky remnant of an unwanted cold or flu is the lingering cough. While the cough is generally the last stage of a being sick, it may last for an extended duration of time. While the cough will naturally go away on its own, a few tricks can help shorten its life span. Cough medicine and other natural solutions exist to nurse you back to full health.
  1. Cough Medicine

    • The most common way for curing a cough is with a prescription or non-prescription cough medicine. Cough suppressant medicine can be purchased over the counter at any drugstore. Its properties thin the mucus in your throat, allowing for a free air passageway and easier breathing. Visit your doctor or local pharmacist for similar recommended medications.

    Warm Liquids

    • Drinking plenty of hot tea and soup will coat and relax the throat. Drinking cold fluids will contribute to closing the passageways when you are sick and the result will be more coughing. Adding ginger to tea is known to have healing properties that help cure the cough.

    Strange Concoctions

    • Mixing black pepper, ginger, and honey (recommended dosage 1 tsp. for every two hours) may provide relief. Other ingredient combinations include onion juice and honey which can be taken twice a day. Onion juice is obtained by boiling an onion in water.

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