Tutorial on Neti Pots
Purchase a Neti Pot of your choice either online or at your local drug store. There are many brands and styles on the market, so do some research before making your selection. Type "Neti Pot" into your search engine, or enter the same keywords on Amazon.com to read helpful user reviews. Your local pharmacist may also be able to provide useful information and instruction.
Fill your Neti Pot with lukewarm to warm tap water. If your Neti Pot came with saline packets, use one packet per pot of water or as directed in the instructions. Otherwise, use 1/4 tsp. of high quality, finely ground non-iodized salt. Swirl the pot around a few times to allow the saline packet or salt to thoroughly mix with the water.
Position your head over a sink or large bowl. With your head leaning slightly down and to the left, place the Neti Pot spout over your right nostril, ensuring a tight seal. Keep your mouth slightly open for breathing.
Tilt the Neti Pot to begin pouring the saline solution into your right nostril. Within a few seconds, the solution will continuously flow out your left nostril. Continue pouring until the pot is empty. Although the idea of nasal irrigation may seem intimidating to a beginner, the more you relax and allow, the better. If the solution flows down your throat, experiment with keeping the back of your throat closed by using the same muscles you would use to create a "k" or hard "g" sound.
Repeat steps two through four with the opposite nostril. Finally, blow your nose into a tissue to expel any remaining mucus and saline solution.