Biosignature Protocols
Basic Testing Protocols
Biosignature testing incorporates skinfold measurements in a dozen locations on the body, according to Kinetic Personal Training. Skinfold testing measures body fat. Once this data is collected, it is used to help trainers identify the most critical areas affected by fat. Additionally, blood and enzyme analysis allows trainers to determine specific reasons why a person stores fat and creates exercise and diet programs to suit the client's personal data.
Hormone Reading
Analyzing the results of a Biosignature test is critical to ensuring proper diet and exercise routines. According to Kinetic Personal Training, hormone identification is an essential measure to reading Biosignature results. Once data is processed, a trainer must compare the types of hormones that are "regenerative" against those related to "stress." After comparisons are made, a trainer can clearly articulate how a health regimen should be designed. Establishing a plan for sleeping patterns, dietary habits and types and schedules of exercises will follow.
Time Frame
An important protocol in Biosignature testing is establishing a testing timeline. Biosignature testing should occur at specific periods of time and for certain durations. Following the initial test, complete testing should be repeated every 14 to 21 days over a period of three consecutive months. Maintaining this time frame is critical to proper data analysis and evaluating the effectiveness of the stated health plan.