Remifemin Alternatives
Menozac contains a blend of botanical ingredients, including root extract of black cohosh, soy and leaf extract of damaiana (Turnerna diffusa), an herb that can induce relaxation. The manufacturers claim that the supplement helps to support hormonal balance during menopause, maintain healthy sleep patterns, reduce hot flashes, and support a calm and balanced mood. Women suffering from any medical condition should always consult a doctor before taking black cohosh supplements, the manufacturers advise.
Bionorica Laboratories produces Menopret, a black cohosh supplement which helps relieve hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, and occasional sleeplessness. According to the manufacturers, Menopret does not contain soy or the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Every tablet contains 46 mg of calcium and 32.5 mg of black cohosh root dry extract. Other ingredients include corn starch and lactose.
Estroven contains an herbal blend that helps reduce the physical and psychological effects of hormonal imbalance linked to menopause. While Remifemin only contains 20 mg of black cohosh per capsule, Estroven contains 40 mg of black cohosh extract, plus vitamin E, thiamine, folate, calcium, selenium, isoflavones, date seed and magnolia bark extracts, according to the website.