What Are the Dangers of Personal Hyperbaric Chambers?
Ear and Sinus Pressure
Because hyperbaric chambers rely on high-pressure environments for treatment, some people might find the experience painful if sensitive to pressure. Specifically, the high pressure could lead to pain either in the ears or the sinuses.
Anxiety Attacks
Personal hyperbaric chambers are not intended to be roomy, and as a result a person using them will find himself in a tight space for prolonged periods of time, usually alone. If a person has difficulty staying calm in tight spaces, he could suffer from anxiety attacks as a result of being in the chamber. A person considering purchasing a personal chamber should be sure he can tolerate the small space for the treatment period. Using it initially with someone in the room might be helpful if he does have a panic attack.
A fire cannot burn without oxygen, and because a hyperbaric chamber is full of pure oxygen, it can be a fire risk. The chamber, when filled, will be extremely flammable and could explode if the oxygen is exposed to an open flame or high heat source.