How to Teach a Lesson on a Healthy Life Style
Teaching a class about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle can be a challenge. Many are unreceptive to lifestyle changes, especially when these changes involve personal issues like diet, exercise and personal care. You can get the the audience's attention as long as you focus on the positive advantages of the lifestyle changes and remain encouraging. Once they feel like you are on their side, you can share the virtues of your healthy lifestyle with an audience willing to learn from your experience.Instructions
Focus on the positive aspects of your lesson. Healthy lifestyle is a difficult thing to sell to an audience and it requires that they remain in the right state of mind. Positive improvement and the advantages of healthy changes are excellent foundations for your lesson. Focus their attention on how they feel and how their lifestyle will be improved as a result of the healthy changes that you are teaching them.
Use helpful visual aids. Prepared videos are an excellent teaching tool to demonstrate specific exercises as well as important techniques that you want them to learn. Reinforce your lessons with images of people who live the lifestyle that you are teaching and represent the health benefits of the lesson. Avoid negative visuals. Images of people who have done damage to their life by not following the lessons of your training can alienate your audience and turn them off to your lesson. Additionally, if members of your audience already are living the unhealthy lifestyle that you are training against, negative images can disconnect them from the lesson and offend them.
Bring samples to your class. Choose items that demonstrate the positive benefits of your lesson and accentuate your teaching style. This may include printouts of exercise programs, workout regimens or food samples like fruits or vegetables. These samples create a fun environment and help your audience get more involved with your lesson.
Get your audience actively involved. Healthy lifestyles involve activities and these activities reinforce your lesson and turns the class into an event. Keep the activity related to your lesson. This activity can send them into the gym to perform a short workout if you are teaching an exercise regimen. Keep the activity fun for your class and remain encouraging in order to facilitate their desire to make these changes permanent. Have them fill out any necessary legal wavers prior to the activity and double check that all in the class have signed theirs.