How to Unlock the Healing Powers in Your Hands
Form a teardrop shape with the tip of your index finger and thumb for the Gyan mudra. Keep the rest of your fingers straight and touching each other. Most often used by meditators sitting in a lotus position, this mudra helps to sharpen memory, develop intellect, heal mental ailments and promote happiness.
Curl your middle and ring finger inward, so that the tips of both join the tip of your thumb to create the Apaan mudra. Keep your index and pinky finger extended straight. This mudra helps to eliminate waste and toxins from your mouth, eyes, ears and nose, and aids constipation.
Tuck your thumb tightly against your palm, and fold your index finger down on top of the back of the thumb to form the Vayu mudra. Keep the other fingers as straight as possible. This mudra helps with diseases like Parkinson's and arthritis.
Join the tip of your ring and little finger with the tip of your thumb to form the Prana mudra. Keep your index and middle finger straight. This mudra increases the life force, or "qi" that your body produces and helps with all ailments. It is also particularly beneficial for the eyes.
Interlock the fingers of both your hands and your right thumb together. Keep the left thumb up vertically upright, with your right thumb pressing down on its base. This forms the Ling mudra that helps increase the heat within your body to prevent coughs and colds.