Vitamins for Focusing
Gingko Biloba
Gingko biloba is an Asian herb that is taken in supplement form, and helps to improve memory and concentration. The leaves of the gingko biloba contain ingredients that fight free radicals, and according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the herb may improve memory in older people and be effective in treating dementia. The leaves can be used every day when taken as directed. You can take them in capsule form, liquid extract mixed with water or juice, or the leaves can be brewed into a tea.
B Vitamins
The B vitamins are essential for overall health, but vitamins B9 and B6 may be particularly helpful by improving focus. Pregnant women are advised to take vitamin B9, also known as folic acid, for the baby's proper brain development, and it can be taken by men and women to enhance mental clarity, which makes concentration easier. Folic acid is also a mood booster. Vitamin B6 can be added to the diet for concentration and focus, and helps the body turn protein into energy. B6 can be found in foods like bananas, soybeans, and eggs. According to Life Clinic, women need about 1.6 milligrams of vitamin B6 every day, and men should take in 2 milligrams daily.
DMAE, or Dimethylaminoethanol, is already produced in the brain, but may need to be taken in supplement form if you're having trouble concentrating or remembering things. DMAE is the precursor to choline, which helps the brain to produce acetylcholine--essential for memory retention--and can also improve learning and focus. Dimethylaminoethanol is sold in many health food stores. It has been proven to be effective in improving mental focus for individuals with ADD, or attention deficit disorder, and can improve mood and make for sounder sleep according to research collected by