Relaxing Massage Tips
Use Lotion
If you are massaging someone's bare skin, use lotion or some sort of massage cream. Ideally, the lotion allows your hands to glide over the body. A person who is hairy or who has dry skin can become irritated from a massage performed without lubricant. Any body lotion or body oil will work, but remember that the less oily the lotion is, the more often you will have to reapply it, which might break your rhythm.
Set the Stage
If you are very comfortable with the person receiving the massage, ask the person how you can make him or her more comfortable. You may choose to dim the lights and light some candles. Consider playing soothing music or lighting some incense. Another way to set the stage is to give the person a scented eye pillow to put over the eyes during the massage.
Be Receptive
When you are giving someone a relaxing massage, take things slow and listen to what the person has to say. For example, ask how they feel and whether they would like more pressure or less pressure. Ask if you are rubbing too hard or if they would like you to rub harder. A good massage is one that is tailored to the tastes of the person who is receiving it.
Vary Your Strokes
While a massage should be relaxing, it should not be boring. The same strokes repeated over and over
again will be less interesting than strokes that are varied. Remember that massage strokes can be fast or slow, short or long, deep or light. Vary the pressure, the length of the stroke and the stroke's speed to keep the recipient engaged in the process.