Does a Morning Glory Plant Material Contain LSA?
Morning Glory Varieties
The small, black seeds of Ipomoea violacea, a variety common in the United States, contain LSA. Erowid says that morning glory seeds have a long history of use in Central America.
Hawaiian baby woodrose (Argyraeia nervosa), another variety of morning glory, contains LSA in its seeds.
LSA is related to lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and has similar but milder hallucinogenic properties, according to Clusterbusters. The seeds are usually crushed, soaked in water and drunk.
The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database says that Hawaiian baby woodrose is an unsafe and ineffective medicine. Do not use Hawaiian baby woodrose if you have mood disorders; are pregnant or nursing; or plan to have surgery within two weeks.
Be aware that commercial morning glory seeds are often coated with poisonous pesticides or methyl mercury to retard spoiling.