Does a Morning Glory Plant Material Contain LSA?

According to the University of Hawaii , the morning glory family of Convolvulaceae has about 85 genera and 2,800 species. The seeds of certain morning glory genera contain lysergic acid amide (LSA).
  1. Morning Glory Varieties

    • The small, black seeds of Ipomoea violacea, a variety common in the United States, contain LSA. Erowid says that morning glory seeds have a long history of use in Central America.

      Hawaiian baby woodrose (Argyraeia nervosa), another variety of morning glory, contains LSA in its seeds.


    • LSA is related to lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and has similar but milder hallucinogenic properties, according to Clusterbusters. The seeds are usually crushed, soaked in water and drunk.


    • The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database says that Hawaiian baby woodrose is an unsafe and ineffective medicine. Do not use Hawaiian baby woodrose if you have mood disorders; are pregnant or nursing; or plan to have surgery within two weeks.

      Be aware that commercial morning glory seeds are often coated with poisonous pesticides or methyl mercury to retard spoiling.

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